Healthy Holidays

Healthy Holidays

The end of the year can be a challenging time when it comes to eating healthy and exercising. It seems like once Thanksgiving break starts, everything begins to go downhill...except for our weight. Right after Thanksgiving is Christmas. So more eating and lounging. Then New Years when everyone feels guilty for all the binge eating and laziness the past few weeks they want to kick it into high gear. Well, I've got a new proposition...Why don't we start now, before thanksgiving! We should take control and not give into all the temptations that surround us and continue to work hard to maintain and strive for our goals.
During all this holiday madness, take these tips into consideration:
  • Always eat breakfast. Although the holidays are busy take time each morning to eat a nutritional breakfast. Not eating breakfast could affect your mood and energy levels throughout the day.
  • Eat your own snacks. Make sure you have your own snacks. Snacking on nuts or fruit between meals can help maintain your hunger and prevent you from overeating.
  • Drink LOTS of water. If you are drinking lots of water, you will realize you are actually not as hungry as you thought, and water can fill you up so you do not eat as much when it come to meal time. Instead of sweet tea, alcohol, or soda, substitute water. (i would much rather eat my calories than drink them)
  • Wear tight clothing. This may seem silly, but if you are in something that is form fitting, you are more likely to stop eating when you are satisfied and not when you are as stuffed as the holiday turkey.
  • Set up your plate. Survey what is being served before piling everything on your plate. Decide what to steer clear from and what are healthy choices. If you would like to indulge, go right ahead, but be conscious of your serving sizes. Using a smaller plate can also trick your mind into thinking it is getting more than it is. After your first plate sit a minute then decide if you want more.
  • First class free. If you travel for the holidays, look into the gyms in the area. Many gyms offer a "first time free" or at a very low cost. Take advantage of it!
  • Run! There is not better, cheaper way to get a workout in. If you're traveling, run/walk the streets and you'd be surprised at all the things you might stumble across.
  • Sign up for a holiday race. There are so many holiday themed races going on during the holidays, and it can be a fun way to get the whole family involved.
  • Wake up early. Getting up early and working out before everyone else wakes up lets you have the rest of the day to spend with family, or do whatever you've got planned. No excuse now.
  • Use the "baby gym" at your hotel. I don't usually stay in hotels during the holidays, but lots of people do. Use these gyms. The nice part is you usually have it to yourself.
  • Family dance parties. I know we aren't the only ones. Enjoy it, while burning off those calories.
  • Nike Training Club - Variety of workouts: you can select intensity and time, and workouts that do not require equipment
  • 7 Minute Workout - Body weight exercises that you can do at home. I usually would do this a couple times.
  • Hot5 - 5 minute workouts for those that get bored easily. Abs, yoga, HIIT, and more.
  • Sworkit - huge variety of workouts including strength training, stretching, cardio, pilates, and yoga. Get to Swork!
  • Nike+ - great way to keep track of all your runs/walks. Set goals and track your activity.
Pinterest is also a great resource when looking for at home (hotel) workouts.

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