Hello, Everyone! My name is Allee, and I am 22 years old. I am currently finishing out my college career, majoring in Elementary Education. I have a deep passion for working out and staying healthy. In the past I have struggled with my weight, which seems to fluctuate more often than I would like it to. I have had my highs and lows (mostly highs) when it comes to weight. I have finally become a better me, but not stopping here. Now I am hoping to inspire and help others with their journey to become a better them.

Like I said earlier, weight has always been an issue of mine from my elementary years all the way through college. I was always the "big girl" and not always because of my height. (I'm 5'7) I always knew I was bigger than most of my petite friends, but just accepted it throughout most my middle school and high school days. When I got into college I put my health on the back burner. I ate anything and everything that I wanted, drank most every weekend (plus some week days) and never worked out. It wasn't until I saw the picture on the far left when I realized how much I had let myself go. I was embarrassed and ashamed and wanted a change. 

In March 2012 I was at my all time high of 177 lbs. Around the same time my grandmother died, I had relationship problems with friends and became depressed. I was spending a lot of time alone and often resorted to food. I had a bit of an epiphany and realized that food was not going to help and that I needed to do something for myself. I began slow and just running around the block and trying not to eat as much junk food. As I started to see the scale  change and realized that regular exercise (even the smallest amount)  really helped get my mind off things, I started to include it in my everyday schedule.

The summer of 2013 was a turning point for me. I had a lot of time on my hands because I was living by myself in a new apartment until my roommates got back for school. I used his time to really put in the effort to change my eating habits and work on being active regularly.  The second picture, March 2013, I weighed 155 lbs. I tried many different methods of weight loss to figure out what was best for me and what worked. It wasn't easy, and often times I wanted to give up. I continued to do as best I could to eat healthy and work out on a daily basis. My apartment had a gym which was super convenient, so I picked a time each day to hit the treadmill or weights. 
 Throughout the school year I continued to eat well, and workout. I did tonssss of running because I felt like it was giving me the fastest results. I become slightly obsessed with counting calories and working out, by May 2014 I was 138 lbs. I looked thin but had no definition. That is when I started working more with weights. I started to see great improvements! My body was getting more defined and I was feeling stronger. The last picture was March 2014  and I weighed 145 lbs.  I never felt better. I was happy with myself and started to get rid of all the negativity in my life, including the poisonous relationships. I was surrounding myself with people who cared for me and supported my endeavors. 
 Today, I teeter between 140-145 lbs. I continue to run (a lot) not necessarily to lose more weight, but because it is something I enjoy. I am not as conscious about what I eat because I have taken up good eating habits and do not enjoy most junk food like I used to, and only eat when I am hungry. Not when I'm bored or upset. I encorporate weight training and cardio into my weekly workouts because I've got goals and figured this is the best way to achieve them.  I'm on a never ending journey and if you choose to join, I hope I can help you in anyway possible.

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